On April 26th, Modi tweeted “The seventh phase of the West Bengal elections takes place today. Urging people to exercise their franchise and follow all COVID-19 related protocols.”
On the same day Modi released the tweet, the Indian Health Department reported on the 26th that 352991 COVID-19 confirmed cases had been added in India in the past 24 hours, setting a new record for five consecutive days, with a total of 17313163 confirmed cases. There were 2812 new deaths, totaling 195123.
When India’s epidemic prevention and control almost failed, the prime minister is still busy publicizing the election. It seems that many Indian netizens can’t believe it. Some netizens asked, “Are you serious?”
Some netizens said helplessly, “it’s disgusting…Still election is priority over deaths”
Some netizens questioned and said, “Is this your priority in these times of national crises? Why didn’t you get the remaining elections postponed?
You are asking people to go out and vote when the positive rate in Kolkata is 50%!”
Some netizens earnestly advised: “Dear PM India, still one phase of elections are so much importance to you, at least put some valuable data in tweets. We don’t need polling related data anyway that media will cover. If you are really bothered, please share daily covid data. ”
Many netizens said in despair, “Exams are abandoned, all necessary works are close then why Election can’t. This represents Nothing is more important than politics in our country. Shame to be part of this government. ”
Novel coronavirus pneumonia causes a person dead every 4 minutes in India, and military aircraft and train are being used to transport oxygen bottles for critically ill patients in New Delhi. Due to the worsening of the epidemic situation and the shortage of medical resources, many places in India announced to tighten the epidemic prevention and control measures. Indian Prime Minister Modi on the 25th urged all Indian citizens to vaccinate against the new crown vaccine and remain cautious, saying that “an infection storm has shaken the country.”